What does ###### mean?

This is an Excel notice that the column is not large enough to display the number it contains (most columns in our programs have enough space for up to 99,999,999). This may indicate that you have made an incorrect entry in the program that results in an unusually large value.

To enlarge the cell, unprotect the worksheet (Tools > Protection > Unprotect sheet), expand the cell (hover over the right edge of the top of the cell’s column so that the cursor becomes a vertical line with two arrows, then double click or click and drag to enlarge the cell), and re-protect the worksheet (Tools > Protection > Protect sheet > OK – no password!).

Note for REIA Express users: Worksheets in this program are password protected. It is unlikely that you will encounter this issue but if you do, just email us the file and we are glad to make adjustments to column width for you.