Can I customize your programs?

In most of our products, we do not password protect the visible worksheets, so you are free to unprotect them and make changes if you are proficient with Excel. We do password protect the workbook and VBA code. By company policy, we do not give out passwords.

Please note that we cannot provide support for programs that have been modified! Please be aware that many of our programs use VBA code to perform certain procedures (namely creation of reports and printing) and that modifications could cause that report printing to fail.

Extend, don’t modify #

If you need to customize the program, we recommend that you do so by adding your own worksheets as much as possible, instead of modifying existing ones. For example, you can add a worksheet to build your own custom report, retrieving data from our worksheets. Or you can add a worksheet where you enter your assumptions in the form most convenient for you, and then use formulas in our assumption worksheets to transfer the data there.

In Short: #

  • Use the RealData menu > User Worksheets to add a new, blank worksheet
  • We do not support modified files when you have changed formulas
  • Create your own reports on your own user worksheet by linking to the program’s data
  • Make your own calculations on your own user worksheets and feed the results back into data entry cells of the program.