Whitish mouse

I remembered a day when I was an undergrad psych major at Yale (a day in 1964, if you can believe) when my professor did an experiment in class that stayed with me for all these years.

He had a little mouse and what looked like a Skinner Box – you might remember those from your college years, an enclosure designed to use positive reinforcement – receiving food pellets in a tray – to teach the mouse to perform some action, like pressing a lever.

The prof came into our lecture hall in front of a hundred or more bright-eyed freshman carrying a modified version of the box: It had two separate levers that would each deliver food pellets, and one of the levers was designed to pay off much more frequently than the other.

podcast listener

I have several ebooks that I send out at no cost to folks who sign up for our “insights” mailing list. But in today’s hyperspeed world, I’m finding that now a lot of people who are constantly on the go just don’t have time to sit and read as much as they’d like. That’s why, with help of my AI sidekick, I’ve started turning the content of those ebooks into podcasts.

Follow this link to listen to the first. And stayed tuned for several more.


real estate investing acronyms, real estate investment modeling software

In my previous post, I gave you a list of some of the most common acronyms used in real estate. Not a complete list, of course, but a good start to decode the secret jargon of our industry.

And as I professed then,  mastering this lingo and using these terms correctly not only facilitates communication but also demonstrates expertise and insider knowledge.

Now that we have a representative list, let’s look at the meaning of some of these terms.

Self-Storage Investing, commercial real estate analytics software

In my previous post, I discussed what I believe are some of the most important pros and cons of investing in self-storage real estate.

As with most real estate sectors, self-storage features some terms that are particular to this property type — specifically in how owners describe occupancy: Unit Occupancy, Physical Occupancy, and Economic Occupancy. Let’s review them:

Mistakes That Real Estate Investors Should Avoid, real estate investment evaluation

Real estate has probably been the best vehicle for building wealth since, well, forever – and income-producing real estate (aka rental property) may be the type of real estate that offers the greatest opportunities to small and mid-size investors.

But nothing worthwhile comes without a few potential pitfalls. You can and certainly should prosper as an investor, but to do so means being mindful of some mistakes that could derail your success. Let’s consider a few of the most important:

Expense Recoveries, real estate software for investors

If you’ve gotten involved as a landlord or tenant with non-residential real estate, such as retail or office buildings, then you have probably encountered a phenomenon that may go by any of several names: expense recoveries, expense reimbursements, pass-throughs, or common area maintenance (CAM) charges. What exactly is this phenomenon and how does it work?