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“Cannot run the macro ‘RealDataPDF4.OpenPrinter’ ” error message when printing

Problem: When trying to print, you get a popup error dialog that says “Run-time error ‘1004’: Cannot run the macro ‘RealDataPDF4.OpenPrinter’ ”


We believe this is a Microsoft bug which can occur when Excel closes unexpectedly.


  • Close our product and Excel entirely.
  • Re-open Excel only (not our product)
  • In the Excel menu, click on File then Options.
  • Click on Add-ins in the left menu
  • Click the Go.. button next to Manage Excel add-ins at the bottom of the window.
  • De-select the checkbox next to RealData-Pdf4
  • Click OK
  • Repeat above steps to return to Add-ins menu.
  • Check the checkbox next to RealData-Pdf4.
  • Click OK


This error may also indicate a corrupt PDF printer file.  Uninstall the software.  Delete any files in the c:\Program Files(x86)\RealData\RealData Personal Financial Statement folder.  Also delete the RealData-pdf4.xla file down the C:\Users\[user ID]\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\AddIns  then reinstall the software.