When opening a RealData program, you get a circular reference error.
Earlier builds of two of our programs, Commercial/Industrial Development and On Schedule, required that iteration be turned on for proper function.
Commercial/Industrial Development Version 5 build 1.13 and earlier required that iteration be turned on, while starting in build 1.14, iteration should be turned off.
On Schedule Version 4 build 1.29 and earlier required that iteration be turned on, while starting in build 1.30, iteration should be turned off.
If you open a workbook with iteration turned off, and then proceed to open a second workbook that requires iteration, you may see a circular reference error. In this case, you should click Cancel to continue leaving the formula as it is. Then go to Tools > Options > Calculation and make sure that Iteration is checked (turned on).
Also be sure that you are using the latest release of each product. If you are not sure whether you have the latest release and build, contact RealData for support. We issue many updates each year and most are free of charge. Consult our builds page for more information.