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Comparison Analysis add-on

What is it? #

Comparison Analysis is a separate extension of REIA Professional that allows you to compare several properties as competing investments. First, use REIA Pro to analyze each of the properties, saving each one as a separate workbook. Then open Comparison Analysis and add the individual properties to the group. For a meaningful comparison, the properties should all begin analysis in the same month and year. They should also have the same safe rate, reinvest rate, discount rate and reversion choice.

The Comparison Analysis add-on works only with REIA Pro and is compatible with versions 14 and beyond. Separate releases are available for both Windows and Mac users.

How it works #

Data entry in Comparison Analysis is easy. On the General worksheet, enter the name of the group, along with the holding period in years.

On the Properties worksheet, use the Add Property button to add one or more properties to the group, selecting REIA workbooks from a list of .xls files. The Remove Property button allows you to delete one or more properties from the group.

Important Note – Data Sync #

When you make a change in the REIA workbook for an individual property, the comparison workbook will update itself automatically because it links to the REIA workbook. There is a Recalculate button on the Properties worksheet, which will update links for all the REIA workbooks in the group. You should only need to do this if you chose not to update links when you opened the comparison workbook.