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The “Enable Macros” or “Enable Content” button is missing. I cannot enable macros.

You open Excel but you are not seeing the yellow horizontal bar that allows you to enable macros. Check all three of these likely scenarios:

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#1  Might you have saved the file in .xlsx format?  Check this first.  If you did, then you have inadvertently removed the macro code from the file.  Don’t panic – use the RealData Import utility to copy your data into a new blank template.  Here’s how.

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#2 Check your Excel macro setting under:

File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings > Macro Settings.

For Windows, the correct setting should be the second option which is “Disable all macros with notification” We recommend this second option which is in no way less secure but it prompts to enable macros.

You will need to close Excel and re-launch our product if you change the Excel setting. When you re-open the program, you should now see the yellow status bar. Click the “Enable Content” button.

For Macintosh, at the upper left corner of your screen, click on Excel > Preferences > Security and make sure your Macro Security is set to the middle option which is “Disable all macros with notification”

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#3 Check your Trusted Documents setting:

Windows – In the same Trust Center as mentioned above (File > Options > Trust Center > Trust Center Settings) – Go to “Trusted Documents” and click on the button to “Clear all Trusted Documents”  Close Excel and re-open.

Mac users can disregard this setting – there is no such option.