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How many properties, accounts, stocks, etc. can I enter?

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Here are the maximum assets by schedule for both single applicant and dual-applicant modes. The dual-applicant mode is a convenient way to have two individuals on the same statement. If you have a lot of assets, consider creating two separate statement files in single applicant mode, one for each person.

Schedule Single Applicant Dual Applicants
Cash in Checking Accounts (Schedule 1) 10 5/5
Cash in Savings Accounts (Schedule 1) 10 5/5
Notes Receivable (Schedule 2) 12 6/6
Accounts Receivable (Schedule 2) 12 6/6
Property 100% Owned (Schedule 3) 28 14/14
Property <100% Owned (Schedule 3) 14 7/7
Partnerships (Schedule 4) 16 8/8
Securities (Schedule 5) 36 18/18
Notes/Accounts Payable (Schedule 6) 20 10/10
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