I’ve created several ebooks that I provide at no cost to folks who sign up for our “Insights” mailing list. But in today’s hyperspeed world, it seems that people who are constantly on the go just don’t have time to sit and read as much as they’d like.
That’s why, with the help of my AI sidekick, I’ve started turning the content of those ebooks into podcasts. I’m kicking things off with this: 5 Key Steps to Get Started in Real Estate Investing
Ever see the acronym “TL;DR” — too long didn’t read? Right, so I’ll keep this short. Click below to listen. And stay tuned for several more.
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Learn how real estate developers and rehabbers evaluate potential projects. Real estate expert Frank Gallinelli — Ivy-League professor, best-selling author, and founder of RealData Software — teaches in-depth video courses, where you’ll develop the skills and confidence to evaluate investment property opportunities for maximum profit.