Personal Finance Statement

Thoroughly Report Your Financial Situation to Your Bank or Lender

Create and maintain financial statements for your bank or lender quickly and easily using our Personal Financial Statement software for Mac and Windows. Make your best case for credit worthiness.


This powerful Excel-based point-and-click template lets you easily enter and describe your income, assets, and liabilities, and then print a professionally formatted, easy-to-read statement of up to 16 pages in length that will impress any lender and help secure the loan you want.


Choose between one- or two-applicant modes; list up to 28 100%-owned properties and up to 14 additional partially owned properties; and accurately show cash-in-accounts entries for those who maintain separate bank accounts for various properties.


Save your data for fast, easy updates for future reports and ongoing comparison, and use RealData’s convenient PDF (portable document format) print driver to create your statement as a .pdf file to email as a simple attachment.


Helps win financing for your investments

  • Easily maintain & update your assets and liabilities
  • Create reports for one or two applicants
  • Easily create PDF reports to share with your lender
  • List up to 28 properties owned 100% by the applicant, as well as up to 14 owned at less than 100%.
  • List multiple checking and savings accounts
  • Notes and accounts receivable
  • Notes and accounts payable
  • Partnerships
  • Securities


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